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Chico Central Little League

Leage Age Information

Little League Baseball & Softball International (LLB) changed the age-determination dates effective 2016.

Click here to download the 2025 Little League Age Chart

As a chartered member of Little League International, we are required to follow the regulation. Therefore, in 2017:
-- Children born on or before August 31, 2005 will utilize an age-determination date of April 30, 2017.
-- Children born on or after September 1, 2005 will utilize an age-determination date of August 31, 2017.

Why are there two age cut off dates?
LLB kept the old cutoff date of April 30 for children born in prior to August 31, 2005 so they would not lose their opportunity for tournament play.

By 2018, all age groups will have the cut off date of August 31.

Are there any new divisions in Chico Central Little League this year?
Although the age determination date has changed, we are still able to organize our divisions as we see fit. Therefore, we will make our best effort to ensure children are playing at their appropriate level.

How do I register for my child for division I think he or she should play?
The only way you can register your child is based your child’s birth date. Again, with the new age changes, we will make best efforts to ensure children are playing at their appropriate level.

Is there more information available about the new age determination date?
Yes. Little League Baseball and Softball International has prepared a statement about this transition.

Click here to read the new age-determination date statement

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